Enjoy Eating WITHOUT Sacrificing Your Goals

On a daily basis I talk to my clients about nutrition and what it means to be "healthy." I've heard them talk about how difficult it is to stay on track  with healthy eating, especially when the weekend approaches and they have a night out coming up. Whether it's a dinner date, party, or drinks with a friend, they worry that they are going to fall off the wagon and be right back in the gym feeling that their will power has been defeated.

For me, I love to go out with my fiancé - we like to plan our nights ahead of us to really make it count. The times we are most disappointed are when we go out to eat and find that the food isn't worth the calories. So instead, we make sure that we are well prepared.

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It’s always better to share

Burrata Tomato, Salad, Tuna Pizzeta, Wings, and Lamb Sliders at Crabtree’s Kittle House

What I tell my clients - you need to figure out a plan that is going to be a sustainable way of living. Don't deprive yourself all week and then binge on the weekends. And certainly don't stop yourself from eating out or ordering something that sounds delicious because you are worried it won't fit your diet.

Instead, plan ahead, be prepared, and get excited that you have a fun experience in your future.

Look at the Menu - BEFORE you get to the restaurant!

These days, restaurants regularly have a menu online. Whether it's on their home page, Facebook page, or Yelp Page, someone somewhere has posted it. Read through them menu and give yourself an eating plan for the day so that you can look forward to your night out.

Going out with a Group of Friends

We've all been there - you're in a group and everyone wants to get a couple appetizers to share.

  • Stay away from fried food - this is always a recommendation I give just because there are a lot of other ways to enjoy food AND it gives you very little leeway to indulge in other choices.

    • BUT if you absolutely love it, have a small helping thinking about the food while you eat it.

    • Choose a non-fried, non-greasy, entrée paired with a vegetable.

  • Choose an appetizer with some vegetables, hummus dip, protein packed, or grilled option.

Balance Out the Indulgences

American: want a burger and fries? Nix the bun / only have half the bun.

Mexican: Nachos as an appetizer?

  • Have a fish taco with a lettuce wrap or brown rice instead of a fried corn shell.

  • No cheese on the taco.

  • No duplicates during the meal (cheese, sour cream, chips)


  • Pasta for dinner?

    • Nix the bread basket.

  • Want the bread basket with butter or oil?

    • Choose a fish or chicken for an entrée with side of steamed veggies


  • Sushi Roll for dinner - try to stay away from tempura.

    • Start with a seaweed salad or edamame

    • share with a friend so you can try another roll!

  • Stir-Fry Plate

    • split half and save for later

    • get a side of steamed vegetables

    • get a side of steamed brown rice and mix it in with the regular stir fry to cut back on the sodium

Are you a dessert eater?

  • Look to have a well balance meal: salad (full fat dressing, lightly dressed), lean protein and veggie and whole grain

  • Enjoy your dessert - and make sure it is worth it

My Mother's motto was always, if it doesn't taste worth it, it's definitely not worth eating.

Written by Maddy Swertfager