Welcome to PEAK from Apex! You’ve got us at the gym and now we’re here for all things fitness AND more! We are Apex Fitness, the fitness nuts, foodies, and friends behind this blog. PEAK is all about about living a healthy, happy, and confident life while learning to enjoy the simple pleasures.

We write for anyone and everyone looking to better themselves. Whether it is mind, body, or soul, we are here to offer the road to overcoming your personal obstacles.


At Apex Fitness, all of our (certified) trainers were once a competitive athlete throughout their lives. When it came time to step away from that type of life, it was difficult to just “go to the gym to workout.” We fell in love with the community of fitness and created a fun, hardworking environment for everyone to enjoy. You’ll find monthly posts and episodes on proper lifting techniques, body weight exercises, nutrition and more!


We love food. Plain and simple. Whether it is a healthy recipe, indulgent snack, or fancy dinner – we love it all. Our focus is not just “healthy” recipes, but rather a mix of it all – finding a balance that satisfies any cravings while allowing you the freedom to indulge when it is worth it.

On this blog you’ll find both original and adapted recipes from other sites. We are those people who love to test out new recipes and adjust them to our preference. And especially these days with our crazy schedules these recipes are generally easy, tasty, and NOT time consuming!

You’ll find plenty of recipes from vegetable frittatas to chocolate cakes – it’s about balance, not about restricting your diet or life for that matter.


Not just about style, even though we’ll have plenty of reviews from our own personal experiences with our gym apparel. We have learned the hard way through trial and error of what works and what doesn’t work in order to live a busy, but healthy lifestyle. We often find ourselves discussing wellness tips with our clients that help make their lives easier, so that they can enjoy life instead of tread through it.

We hope that you will continue to explore our thoughts and writing for whatever you are in search for – fitness, food, or a simple story that you can relate to that will ultimately make your day better.